Protect Your Janitorial Service Business And Your Clients With Janitorial Service Bonds

Insurance Blog

Do you run a janitorial service business but you have had problems in the past with some of your employees stealing things from the buildings they are cleaning? Do you want to start a janitorial service business in the future but you want to make sure your business is protected in the event you accidentally hire a bad apple? A janitorial service bond is a type of fidelity bond that your client or customer can file a claim against in the event that something goes sideways with one of your janitors. Here's why a janitorial service business should look into these types of bonds.

Paying for a Bond Now Prevents You From Having to Pay for a Much More Expensive Item Later

A service bond of this type is essentially insurance that will kick in if one of your janitors or contractors takes something from the client that does not belong to them. You pay a fee or premium for the bond just like with any other type of insurance. If something does go wrong and something is stolen, the client can file a claim against your bond instead of asking you the service owner for direct reimbursement. It may end up being much less expensive for you to carry this kind of coverage than to have to pay for any stolen items out of pocket.

Having a Bond Will Give You Peace of Mind and Can Keep a Bad Situation From Getting Worse

As a business owner, you of course want to give the contractors you hire the benefit of the doubt. But you must be prepared for any situation in today's world, and having a janitorial service bond in your back pocket at all times will let you breathe easier with the peace of mind of knowing that one bad incident between your employee and your customer won't spell the end of your entire business. Having that bond in place will also ensure that a bad situation doesn't get significantly worse with something like a lawsuit, for example.

Some Clients May Specifically Ask If You Are Covered By This Type of Bond Before They Hire You

Clients or customers who have a lot of valuables lying around the home or office might specifically look for a janitorial or cleaning service that is covered by this type of bond insurance policy. Being able to tell the client that yes, you are indeed covered for theft may be the difference in the client deciding to hire you over one of your competitors.


11 November 2022

Feeling Secure about the Future

Do you constantly fret about your future? Perhaps, you worry about what might happen to your significant other and kids if you suddenly passed away. If you can relate to this scenario, obtaining a life insurance policy might help you get the peace of mind you desire. Depending on your unique situation, you might benefit from acquiring a term or whole life policy. A trusted insurance agent can listen to your needs and help you figure out what type of policy will be best for you. On this blog, I hope you will discover the numerous reasons you should secure a life insurance policy sooner rather than later. Enjoy!