
How To Reduce Car Insurance Costs Following A Collision

Insurance Blog

Even if you are not injured, experiencing a car crash can be a traumatic event. However, even a minor accident can have ramifications: your auto insurance premiums may skyrocket, representing a significant financial burden, if you find that you are at fault in any way. Fortunately, if your monthly premiums do increase, there are a few things that you can do to help reduce them again without losing your policy.

24 June 2018

Thinking Of Starting A Construction Business? Make Sure You Get The Right Insurance


If you are in the process of starting your own construction business, once you legally establish your business, you are going to want to obtain insurance for your business. Before you complete a single job, you will want to make sure that your new construction business is properly insured. General Liability Insurance The first type of insurance that you need to purchase is general liability insurance. This is the type of insurance that will protect you if someone brings a lawsuit against you; general liability insurance will provide you with legal counsel and will pay any settlements or damage up to your coverage amount.

12 May 2018

4 Ways To Save On Your Homeowners Insurance Policy

Insurance Blog

Having a homeowners insurance policy isn't just a good idea — it's most likely required by your mortgage company. Still, nobody wants to spend more on insurance than they need to. The good news is that there are plenty of ways to go about saving on your monthly home insurance payment without necessarily skimping on your coverage in the process. Install a Security System If you've been on the fence about shelling out the money for a security system in your home, perhaps the fact that most homeowners insurance companies offer a discount for homeowners with security systems will sway your decision.

16 March 2018

Wholesale Insurance Can Help Older Americans Get Coverage

Insurance Blog

Getting high-quality medical insurance wholesale coverage in America can be a very pricey and expensive proposition. This situation is true even for elderly people who have insurance. In fact, these people may struggle to pay their premiums and abandon their coverage. Thankfully, wholesale insurance can help. Even Now, Insurance Coverage Is Pricey While the ACA was designed to help make health insurance more affordable for many people, it can still be an expensive proposition.

27 February 2018

How Safety Ratings Of Vehicles Affect Insurance Rates

Insurance Blog

If you have car insurance right now, you are probably aware of most of the factors that can affect your car rates; however, did you realize that a vehicle's safety ratings affect the rates you pay? A lot of people do not realize this, but it is true. Every vehicle has safety ratings, and the ratings your car has can make your rates go up or down, depending on the ratings.

13 December 2017

3 Signs You Should Take A Juvenile Remedial Driving Course

Insurance Blog

Many driving schools offer juvenile remedial driving courses for drivers who are old enough to have their drivers licenses but who are under the age of 18. These are a few signs that you might want to consider taking one of these classes. 1. Your License Has Been Suspended You might have been really excited about the idea of getting your drivers license, but then something might have happened that caused you to lose it.

26 October 2017

3 Tips For Decreasing Car Insurance Premiums With Teenagers

Insurance Blog

If you have kids that are starting to drive, this can be an exciting time. However, you may be less than thrilled because of the increase in your auto insurance. It's a fact that rates will continue to climb when a teenager is added to your plan. This is largely due to inexperienced driving and bringing more of a risk to the company. It's a great idea to know specific tips that can help ensure you pay the least amount of money possible for this critical type of coverage.

20 August 2017

Possible Limitations Of A Multi-Car Insurance Policy

Insurance Blog

Multi-car insurance policies are often touted as a good way of managing auto insurance costs in a household with several cars. That may be true for many people, but it isn't a perfect fit for everybody. Here are three potential complications you should know about this form of insurance: A Single High-Risk Driver Affects Everybody A major drawback of a multi-car policy is that a high-risk motorist or car affects the other motorists too.

16 August 2016

4 Reasons You Shouldn't Let Your Car Insurance Lapse

Insurance Blog

An insurance lapse is when you allow your auto insurance coverage to expire or you avoid payments, thus guaranteeing that your car insurance company will cancel your policy. The lapse describes the amount of time that you are without coverage. This should be avoided at all costs, and here are four major reasons why: Auto Insurance Is Required by Law: If you are caught driving without auto insurance coverage, then you can be severely penalized.

4 June 2015

Tips To Hasten Your Homeowners Insurance Claim Processing

Insurance Blog

Whether or not you have homeowners insurance, you don't want a disaster to befall your house. However, as an insured homeowner, your hope is that you will be compensated fast when your house experiences damage. Unfortunately, the claim process may not always occur as fast as you may wish. Here are a few tips you can use to speed up the process: File a Claim As Soon As Possible

18 May 2015